Thursday, August 27, 2015

Color Mode Exercise

 Color Mode: RGB
# of colors: 16.7 million
Uncompressed file size: 2.08M
Width: 640 px
Height: 1136 px

Color Mode: Indexed Color
# of colors: 4
Uncompressed file size: 710.0k
Width 640 px
Height: 1136 px

Color Mode: Greyscale
# of colors: 256
Uncompressed file: 710.0k
Width: 640 px
Height: 1136 px
Color Mode: Bitmap
# of colors: 2
Uncompressed file: 88.8 k
Input: 72
Output: 72
Method: 50% Threshold

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Crayon Rubbings

The goal of the crayon rubbings assignment is to find objects with a certain texture, symbol, and letters. Once you find something that catches your attention you are to use the crayons to create a relief. Then you must find one of the other objects to create an overlapping effect without distracting from any of the other objects.

This image to me shows someone who is in need of rest. The texture used symbolizes hard work. The handicap symbol shows someone who is tired and in need of some help. The letters that were used, say restroom which foreshadow the need for sometime off. The use of colors work really together to bring attention to the overall message.
This image calls for the attention that there is help if you need it. At AWC they offer a way for anyone with a disability to find a way to work with someone else such as finding a note taker or to be given extra time on an exam. AWC will work with you to figure out a solution to best meet your needs. This can be seen in the image by the use of symbol and text. The symbol used is a handicap sign and the text reads AWC. The texture that is used is very simple so that it does not distract from the message that it is being conveyed. The colors that were used are bold and therefore call attention to the notice.

What I learned: With this assignment I have learned to scan and transfer images onto photoshop to be resized.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


Hello my name is Crystal Valenzuela, I am currently attending school at AWC as a sophomore working towards my associates degree to transfer to a 4 year University.

I am an AA of Media Arts major; specifically Film and Television production. 

My goal for this class is to learn the basics of computer graphics to help me better understand the technical and aesthetic side of production. 

University Plans
After AWC I plan to transfer to either NAU or U of A. If possible I would also like to attend at UCLA in the future. Let's be honest though, it's wherever the money is because college is expensive!

I currently do not have any experience in graphics or design. 

10 Year Plan
In 10 years I imagine myself working for a production studio based in LA (Warner Bros Studios to be exact). 

Favorite/Fantasy Vacation Spot
My fantasy vacation spot would be Santorini, Greece. A favorite location of mine would have to be Monterey, Ca. I used to live there when I was younger and I would love to go back there someday.